If you have suffered server downtime due to a server failure or have had your site become unavailable for an extended period of time, it’s time to switch to a High Availability Hosting Infrastructure. All of our virtual dedicated servers and private cloud hosting packages utilize High Availabily (HA) functionality which automatically relocates virtual machines from a failed host, registers them on the new host, and powers them on.
The diagram below illustrates the movement of a Virtual Machine from a failed host to another host in the same High Availability cluster.
* Our high availability hosting infrastructure is a fully redundant hosting environment with no single point of failure.
We offer redundant FibreChannel SAN infrastructure for enterprise level storage not found in most other hosting infrastructures.
For customers demanding high availability high performance NFS storage we also offer 10G internet connectivity. Whether utilizing our FibreChannel or 10G Ethernet, all storage utilizes Enterprise Grade FibreChannel disks.